Coulter Post Doctoral Scholars

The Coulter Center Post-Doctoral Scholars grants support innovative translational research projects that are conceived of by postdocs.

The Post-Doctoral Scholar Research Grant supports up to $25,000 a project, for initiating and advancing innovative translational research projects that are conceived of by postdocs within the department of BME. While also providing an impactful translational research training experience for postdocs. This grant is intended to support trainee-led research that will enhance their postdoctoral training experience and make them competitive for the next steps in their career. It will also help them generate strong preliminary data to be used in publications, secure external funding, and/or help them prepare for their independent careers. 

In line with the philosophy of the Wallace H. Coulter Center for Translational Research of promoting “Science serving humanity”, applications for the Post-Doctorial Scholar Research Grant must lay out a direct path for how the proposed work has the potential to improve patient wellness.

Selected Coulter Scholars will recevie $20-25k per project for 1 year, with a one-time no-cost extension of 6 months.

1. The applicant should be a postdoctoral trainee, at any stage, who is working with a PI who has a primary, joint, or courtesy appointment in the Department of Biomedical Engineering (BME).

2. The proposal will be reviewed for merit and suitability within the missions of the Center.

3. The applicant needs to identify a clinical co-mentor for the proposal who will provide mentorship
and guidance toward identifying the clinical implications of the research project. NOTE: the applicant’s PI and co-mentor must be different people.

4. Awarded Scholars are required to submit a one page progress report 6 months into funding cycle.

5. Coulter Scholars are required to participate in a one hour Translational Grant Writing Workshop that is led by BME faculty. 

  1. Curriculum vitae
  2. Research plan: No more than 2 pages of single-spaced text. Font size should Arial 11 points, and margins should be greater than or equal to 0.5 inches. References are not included in the 2-page limit.
  3. Professional development plan (limited to 300 words)
    1. This should outline the training plan during the period of the award. Include a description of the minimum of 10 hours of workshops/seminars that will be attended and why they were chosen to enhance the applicant’s knowledge of scientific communication, project management, and intellectual property. 
  4. Health impact statement (limited to 500 words)
    1. This should outline epidemiological information, the current clinical practice, and how the proposed research can lead to an outcome that will benefit patients.
  5. Proposed budget
  6. Letter of mentorship from translational co-mentor
    1. This letter describes how the co-mentor will support the applicant, the nature of the translational guidance, and how frequently the co-mentor will meet with the applicant.
    2.  Curriculum vitae of co-mentor
  7. Signed agreement of support from PI and co-signed by clinical co-mentor (template)
    1. This letter indicates that the proposed project differs from already funded research within the lab and that the PI endorses the application.  

Awardees will participate in at least 10 hours of training to enhance their knowledge of scientific communication, project management, and intellectual property. Possible training activities include the Innovation, Commercialization, or Communicating Research Series offered by the PhD+ Program, grant and research development through iTHRIV at UVA, or educational events offered through the UVA Licensing & Ventures Group.

Awardees will also attend a translational grant writing workshop that will be held within UVA BME during the Spring 2024 semester. 

Decisions shall be made by a program committee that is comprised of Brian Helmke, Associate Professor of BME, Mohammad Fallahi-Sochani, Associate Professor of BME, and Patrick Cottler, Director of Resident Research UVA.

Once selection decisions have been finalized, the awardee will receive a confirmation letter.

Each project will receive a unique funding worktag. 

Applications for the 2023 funding cycle are due by July 14th, 2023.

Please contact [email protected] if you are interested in applying. 

How will I receive the Scholar funding? 

Awardees will receive unique funding worktag to use during the active funding cycle.

Can I apply for funding more than once? 

Postdocs are eligible to apply for the Scholars grant multiple times throughout training at UVA. 

What can I use the funding for? 

The funds are intended to support the advancement of translational research projects conceived by BME postdoctoral trainees. A detailed budget justification is requiremed in the proposal.

2023-2024 Coulter Scholar Projects

Nucleocytoplasmic Transport Inhibition in AML

Project PI: Dr. Bishal Paudel

Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is an aggressive disease with complex and heterogeneous biology5. As a disease, AML has been extensively subdivided according to genomic and karyotypic features5–7 leading to improvements in therapy stratifications8. Despite these advances in risk classifications, most patients lack known molecular cytogenetic or somatic mutations9,10. Although intensive combination chemotherapy and targeted therapies modestly improve patient outcomes, drug resistance and relapse are common with significant variability in the duration of response11. Therefore, there is an urgent need to improve risk classifications that lead to novel therapeutics in AML.

Emergence of collateral antibiotic sensitivity in Pseudomonas aeruginosa clinical isolates during laboratory evolution

Project PI: Dr. Mohammad Islam

Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a widespread human pathogen and a common cause of healthcare-associated infections (HAIs). Its ability to cause infections among both immunocompetent and immunocompromised hosts, a variety of virulence factors, antimicrobial resistance (AMR), and a wide range of dynamic defenses make it a challenging pathogen to treat. According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), P. aeruginosa is the fourth most commonly isolated nosocomial pathogen accounting for 10.1% of all HAIs in the US. Infections are prevalent in immunocompromised individuals including those with cystic fibrosis, bronchiectasis, burns, diabetes mellitus, and ICU admissions. Individuals with indwelling catheters or endotracheal tubes are also at risk due to the organism's unique ability to form recalcitrant biofilms [1]. Multiple mechanisms have been identified for Pseudomonas AMR; examples are intrinsic antibiotic resistance, efflux systems, and antibiotic-inactivating enzymes [2], which can arise due to mutations or the acquisition of exogenous resistance determinants [3,4]. CDC estimates a $767 million healthcare burden due to the antimicrobial resistance of P. aeruginosa [5].

Investigating Rhinovirus-Associated Gene Signatures in Children with Severe Wheeze

Project PI: Dr Cameron Griffiths

Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease that involves restricted air flow through the respiratory tract. The main symptoms of asthma are episodes of wheezing, coughing, shortness of breath, and tightness in the chest. Asthma is a common disease, affecting 8.4% of adults and 5.8% of children in the USA, with a total economic burden estimated to be $81.9 billion per year. Despite the prevalence of asthma, questions remain regarding why some people develop asthma and others don’t. One main predictor of asthma is early life (< 6 years old) wheezing. However, almost half of all young children have at least one wheezing episode and most improve to become symptom free. Importantly, concurrent infection with rhinovirus (RV) during wheezing episodes is strongly predictive of later being diagnosed with asthma.

Assessing the Impact of Hip Muscle Metrics on Patient Reported Outcomes and Treatment Efficacy

Project PI: Dr. Emily McCain

Femoroacetabular Impingement Syndrome (FAIS) causes more than 38% of hip pain and results in symptoms including reduced hip strength that limit physical function and activities of daily living in otherwise healthy young adults [1, 2]. Persons with FAIS experience irregular contact in the hip joint between the proximal femur and acetabulum caused by a non-spherical femoral head, over coverage of the femoral head by the acetabulum, or a combination of both morphologies [3]. Treatment for FAIS often includes arthroscopic surgical intervention to rectify bony abnormalities and repair any accompanying damage to cartilage and/or the labrum [3]. Surgical intervention is followed by rehabilitation led by a physiotherapist [3] to improve hip stability or core strength as a way of improving patient symptoms, neuromuscular control, and movement patterns [4]. While treatment improves patient-reported outcomes, improvements often fall short of a substantial clinical benefit [5]. Research surrounding the variability of FAIS treatment success often focuses on the severity of morphological abnormalities pre- [6, 7] post- [8] treatment; unfortunately, the results of this research are contradictory and ignore the impacts of reduced hip strength that that is now gaining more attention as playing a role in treatment success.