
Become a Part of the Coulter Process
All too often, innovations in biomedical engineering that could significantly improve the healthcare of people around the world never enter the marketplace. The University of Virginia has joined forces with the Wallace H. Coulter Foundation in a groundbreaking effort to address the root causes of this bottleneck and commercialize promising treatments and techniques.
We are building out a new hands-on, high-touch ecosystem for translation even as we accelerate and broaden the flow of cutting-edge products, protocols and processes from University labs into clinical practice. Our goal is to realize Wallace Coulter’s goal of “science serving humanity.” We invite you to join us.


How To Apply

UVA's Coulter Center for Translational Research has multiple funding mechanisms. Each year, our spring funding cycle invests approximately $900,000 in six to eight projects. These grants are typically $100,000, but they can range from $75,000 to $175,000. We also seed-fund projects on a real-time basis, ranging from $5,000 to $40,000.

No two projects have the same needs. A team that is building a medical device has a different path than a team that is developing a software application. As a result, we develop a customized suite of services for each research team we work with.

Proposal Process

One of the responsibilities of the UVA's Coulter Center team is to stay abreast of research underway in the Department of Biomedical Engineering and across the University. As a result, we are often instrumental in connecting biomedical engineering faculty with potential collaborators, fostering relationships that can lead to projects eligible for UVA-Coulter funding.

We also build relationships to existing teams considering Coulter Center funding, helping them access the resources across Grounds and from external sources. We work closely with them to strengthen their proposals and provide feedback as they hone their project presentations to the Advisory Committee. In doing so, we recognize that each project has its own narrative and its own strengths. Our goal is to help Coulter Center applicants craft the most compelling narrative for their technology.

Contact [email protected] to discuss your project idea.

Applications should be submitted as a single PDF and not exceed five pages, excluding a cover page, a budget page, and two-page CVs from the co-investigators. Use Arial font of 11-12 point size. The cover page must contain the project title, names of the co-investigators, amount requested, a one-paragraph summary, and the approval/signature of the department chair of the co-investigator who is not in the BME Department (the signature can be scanned as part of your proposal.

For more detailed information please review the COULTER FORMAT GUIDELINES.PDF

The Coulter Center's Oversight Board evaluates proposals on the basis of innovation and scientific merit, potential health care impact, technical feasibility and the potential for commercialization.  During its Triage meeting, the Oversight Board selects the most promising proposals.  At the Board Selection meeting, the principal investigators give a 10-minute presentation.  The committee announces its decision later that day.



January/February: Annual Request for Applications is issued.

May 6, 2024: Deadline to submit a proposal.

Early Summer: Phase I triage review by the Coulter Center's Oversight Committee.

July: Phase II oral presentation and review.

August: Awards announced and funding begins.


Do you fund proposals off-cycle?

Yes. Please contact [email protected] with your project idea.


As projects mature, we provide guidance, information and contacts that project leaders can use to move their innovations toward commercialization. Depending on the project, this might include clinical trials, licensing, regulatory approval, patent protection, market development and customer acquisition and fundraising.

During the year of their award, Principal Investigators deliver oral progress reports at each of the four UVA-Coulter Oversight Committee meetings.  A one-page summary report is required. Principal investigators can apply for an additional year of support on a competitive basis.

Contact HANNAH MOORE, Coulter Center Associate Director 

Funded Projects are required to present to the funding Oversight Committee twice a year. Presentations cover meaningful progress to milestones, significant findings, and progress to follow-on funding.

Fall Meeting: December 12th, 2024

Spring Meeting: March 27th, 2025

Do Coulter proposals go through the UVA Office of Sponsored Programs? 

No. Coulter is a locally funded program. OSP review is not required. 


Do Coulter proposals require Department Chair approval?

Yes. This is particularly important for clinical faculty, in order to gain time release for research.


Should I include indirect costs in the budget?

No. Coulter is a locally funded program. Indirects are not assessed.


Do I need to pre-identify the graduate student, post doc, or researcher who will work with me on the project?

No. Coulter proposals do not need to have named or identified personnel.


Are Coulter proposals reviewed externally?

No. Projects are reviewed by the COULTER OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE. Review happens in two phases. Phase I is a triage review. Phase II is an invited oral presentation.


What is the timeline?

February/early March: Annual Request for Applications is issued.

April: Deadline to submit proposal.

Early Summer: Phase I triage review by the Coulter Oversight Committee.

June/early July: Phase II oral presentation and review.

July: Awards announced and funding begins.


Do you fund proposals off cycle?

Yes. Please contact [email protected] with your project idea.